Service providers are pillars of strength within their community. To meet growing demand, service providers need to be responsive and efficient and have a solid understanding of the needs and demographics of their community. We build cost effective, easy to use analytical tools so that service providers can focus on what they do best and are trained to do. By layering quantitative and qualitative data, the insights provided by RIDL enable service providers to gain a deeper understanding of the multiple pathways to presenting issues. Service providers report that these additional insights allow them to direct energy towards the preferred intervention and prevention model rather than constantly mitigating risks. Traditionally service providers work within their departmental jurisdictions resulting in a siloed approach to addressing complex social issues. To change this paradigm, RIDL and our partners combine public and private datasets and examine the specific need for certain services within a set community. Through our partnership with Infoxchange we can provide insights into the service demand within a specific community and enhance demographic data with a place-based context which further refines the place-specific community service need.